InSight integrates the functionality of multiple applications in a single, user friendly interface. It saves you time and effort, so you can be more productive from day one!
Find the information you need instantly
Add new notes easily
Edit your text FASTER
Organize your thoughts in an Explorer-like interface any possible way you want (drag, copy, paste, sort)
Compare your latest changes and see what's changed
Export to HTML or to A Word Processor
Features include:
Multi-level Outline Tree View
Multi-tabbed interface supporting documents and catalogs of any size
Unmatched Text Editing flexibility
Fully customizable Interface with custom Layouts and Skins
Practical To-Do Lists and Logs (as easy as on paper!)
Advanced Clipboard Capture feature
Paths in text are Live Links that can open Files, URLs, and Registry Entries
Images can be associated with text with short links to special images stored in a dedicated folder (insertion is handled automatically)
History Lists and navigational Browse Buttons allow quick access to previous topics
Static Keyboard Macros supported by both the Text Completion and Templates features
Fixed and Proportional Fonts, custom background colors and watermarks
Font Styles (Bold, Italics, Underlining , Highlighting) , and strike out
Easy to apply Line Formatting (Columnar Blocks, Text Tables, resizing, splitting, joining, and compressing lines...)
Syntax Highlighting for storing and editing code snippets
Compare documents and catalogs to previous backups and other files directly from the interface using your favorite file comparison application *
Spell Checking and Thesaurus, plus support for the popular WordWeb program.
Fast, powerful search feature locates topics instantly using any type of expressions, including Boolean and regular expressions
Documents and Catalogs can be exported to HTML and RTF Formats for publishing on the Web or for further editing.